Berkey Water Purifier Reviews

Do Berkey water filters really work?

 If you know anything about water pollution, you know that experts say it’s best to only drink purified water. Tap water is supposed to be purified, but most systems use chemicals like chlorine to purify it and even still it doesn’t protect you completely. Who wants to put chemicals needlessly into their bodies that aren’t even doing the job they are supposed to? Berkey water purifiers give water that is delicious and pure right from the countertop. 

Bottled water produces alot of plastic

What is the solution to drinking only purified water during your day? Do you resort to drinking only bottled water? That can get expensive and if you think about having it delivered to your home or going out to get it then you start to realize you are actually creating more damage to the environment. What about using a Berkey water purifier? A Berkey water filter can save you expense and time that you use to get purified water. All you have to do to enjoy is put the water in and let the filter do the rest. Berkey water purifiers are simple to use and can be assembled with ease. They offer water that has been purified to 99.99%. Along with removing heavy metals such as mercury Berkey water purifiers also clean the water of toxins and parasites that can be present in everyday tap water. 

The hidden polution behind bottled water.

If pollution concerns you in your drinking water and you drink only bottled water do you recycle all those bottles. Most of can’t say that we are able to that 100% of time and you know that even if you do recycle using all that plastic consumes more and more natural resources. By using a Big Berkey water purifier you can actually reduce damage to the environment. You can use the same few bottles over and over again! This way you aren’t increasing the amount of trash we use so there is less strain on your pocket book and less strain on the environment. It’s really wasteful to not use the Berkey water purifier. Plus you never really know what is in the bottle to begin with!

Make clean drinking water and less pollution

 Do you really want to reduce the amount of pollution you put out into the world? I know I do and Berkey water purifiers help me do that. You don’t have to worry about the recycling or the gasoline that you are putting into the environment. Now you can rest easy knowing that by making the choice to drink delicious tasting water that is pure, knowing you are actually helping reduce the carbon foot print being left on the environment. No more water fear or guilt. The Berkey water purifier systems can make the water your family drinks safe, clean and great tasting. You get the added benefit of making the world a cleaner and better place.

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